Rhinoceros: Ryon's story 18
At least there’s no Rehab today. No sign of Frank, either, all day. Just lessons and dinner and computer time because I’d been a good boy.
Then he found me and took me to his untidy office, and he was all serious like, and he said, “You know your Mr Scope? Well it turns out that he’s been taking secret films of the Head at your school, footage that makes it look like he’s assaulting children. And he’s put these films on the internet.” Like I’ve said before, I’m good at not giving anything away. “Anyway, like all these things, it started small, but then news of the films spread, and the local paper picked it up, and then The Independent did a comment piece on it, and now it’s gone viral. So we’re going to watch the news together soon, and then I’m going to give you some newspaper clippings.” And then he went on and on about what an opportunity this is and how we can do some comparative writing out of it and study media techniques blah blah blah, in his English teacher way, but even worse than Scopey.
So we watched the news and he gave me some clippings.
And inside, deep down like, I was knocked out – I mean really, I was amazed, but I kept it all hidden. I said nothing. I watched and I read and I stayed silent while Frank watched my face. Fine, I can do this for hours. Been in training for years, mate.