Rhinoceros: Ryon's story 12
There is a bit more, to this story, though, but I’m not showing Frank this any more. He can fuck off. As I've already said.
Might as well finish the story though.
I did a couple more jobs, none of them particularly successful, and then I was put on to a big house in Fulwood. Bloke living on his own, some businessman. I watched the house from a bus shelter, smoking fags, keeping in the shadows. He seemed to have a job that meant going out at all hours. Big bloke, but not fast, I thought. I went back the next night, and I saw him going out. He didn’t have a jacket on, and it didn’t look like he’d bothered to set the alarm. I couldn’t be sure, but then I would just leg it if it went off. He gave the impression of nipping out for maybe an hour. I'd checked the backway, a cobbled passage, and slipped round. An open window helped. Although it was on a locking arm those uPVC windows are shit, and I gave it an almighty wrench and it was open wide, and I was in. Plenty of stuff, a real gadget freak, but I told myself not to be greedy. I grabbed a few things, and was about to set off when he was there in the doorway. How the fuck he got in so quiet I don’t know. I ran, but he was fitter than I thought, and he was over the leather sofa and on top of me. I got a few punches in but I didn’t have a hope, and as he sat on me and got his phone out I relaxed a bit. May as well save my energy, I thought. The pigs were proper vicious when they came. Fucking pushed me about a bit and then had me ‘resisting arrest’ while the bloke stood there grinning. Turns out they knew him well. Had me down already for a string of burglaries in the area, all the usual threats. Spent the night in Hotel Endington, breakfast included.