Rhinoceros: Ryon's story 9
It was piss easy to get in. I just turned the handle. It smelt musty inside, a bit like our house, but you didn’t expect it with a teacher. The layout was straightforward. Short hallway, three doors. I peered into each. Sitting room was straight ahead, and this is the most likely room, so I went in. Armchair, desk, paperwork everywhere. The curtains were shut, so I put on a light. The flat only overlooked a car park, so that didn’t seem risky. Desk drawers are always good for a find, so that’s where I went. Top drawer: bingo. A nice new camera, Panasonic, zoom lens. So I pocketed it. As I said, I’m not greedy. I checked a couple of other drawers, but they were full of useless crap, so I thought I might as well leave it at that. I heard a car below and quickly switched out the light. Not a problem, I thought, who’d notice? I had a quick feel around the shelves for an iPod – I knew he liked his sad music – but no luck. Probably had it with him. Then I peeped out of the curtains. Fuck. Mr Scope’s car. And at that instant, footsteps on the stairs. Fuck. I pulled my hood low over my face and waited behind the sitting room door. Perhaps, I thought, he would to the bathroom first, or his bedroom. I could feel my heart beating, which is not like me. I'm not saying I was scared or anything like that, I just felt I should get out as quickly as possible. I was trying to think of the best way out of this. The bastard must have decided to give up on his display. As per usual. The last time he put anything up on the walls was when OFSTED visited. Even then, he put it up wonky.
Anyway, I stood there like a lemon, in the shadows waiting. And he must’ve realised the door was open, ‘cause he waited, too. Then he stepped in. I could almost hear him thinking. He knew something was wrong. His movements weren’t natural. Then I heard him knock something onto the floor. In the silence it sounded like thunder. I also knew he was going to come straight into the sitting room. So that’s when I ran. The hood was covering my face so I couldn’t see well, but I just pointed my shoulder forward and went for it, like I did in the corridors at school when I wanted everyone to back off. And as I charged down the hallway I felt his arm and shoulder and he seemed weak and skinny. I caught a really quick glimpse of his face, and he looked more surprised than scared. Something made a loud crack as he flew backwards but there was no stopping me now and I just carried on through the open door and down the strairwell three at a time. Once out in the shadows I felt safe and stopped to get my breath back. I looked back at the flats. The stairwell was one of those all-glass ones that are always lit up. 1960s dated modernism, Mr Scope called it. One of his jokes, probably. And I thought I might see him looking for me, on the stairs or running down. But there was no sign. I waited a bit. Maybe he’s calling the police, but they’ don't bother me. Nothing.
Perhaps he’s hurt, I thought. I almost started to head back. I mean, I didn’t feel that guilty about stealing one little camera. He can get another one on his teacher's money or on his insurance, and I didn’t shit on his carpet or anything. But I would never hurt him. Not deliberately, anyway.
But I didn’t go back. Think of number one. That’s what life had taught me. It had got me this far, so best stick to it. I walked it all the way home. On the way, I went past the Mitchelsons, as usual. There was always someone up, one of his joeys or Gary watching late night porn. The usual two taps on the window and I was in. I didn’t stay ‘cause I was knackered, and a bit messed up by what had happened. I gave the camera to one of the big blokes. I remember his saying, “It that it?” Leary bastard. “It’s brand new,” I said, and walked out. I didn’t bother switching it on. Who’d want to look at some sad teacher’s holiday snaps?
So that's where I left it. Did he see it was me? Play dumb. I can do that for England. Like I said, a sad teacher in a mouldy flat. A little box in a city of boxes. A blot on a planet. A planet in a galaxy. A brief moment of life in a universe of death. Nothing matters.