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Springs are full of bulbs and buds,

Absorb the winter shock,

Sit calmly in the pen I hold

And instigate the clock.

Keep watch, for spring has sprung again,

And manifests, instead,

In cycle rides through history

A rising from the dead.

Tiny bangs in frequencies

Have entered our grey world,

Time to oil the stiffened chain

And fir a spring-load rack.

The earth has made a partial circuit,

Coursed parabolic arcs,

A sun has burst upon the stars

And prepared us for attack.

Lamps are left to run down low,

Shards prised out of tyres,

A winter sprig extracted, gunge,

Detritus, smuts and grit.

It takes an engine made of wheels

To understand the world,

The universe of space-time, voids,

Orbits within it.

What was it? Quark? Higgs-Boson?

Both there and not all there:

The crank both pressing and lifting

Pulls back to move ahead.

Metronomic ticks mark out

Curvatures of time,

A balance of stop/motion, blind

Staccato, living dead.

A sheen of wax and paraffin

Suggests a tilted sky,

Horizons beckon pedalares

With cooling towers, smoke.

Ours is life lived in the round,

Circuitously styled,

Ellipses that accelerate

With varied rim and spoke.

The faster that the teeth are turned,

The more the earth rotates,

Solar system mechanics

Kick-start a gyroscope

And turn more cogs of gravity

In fields of matter dark,

Infinity of cranks and chains

As visible as hope.

They talk of relativity

To smash the smooth machine,

The dread beyond our modern times,

Beyond morality.

And yet the engine bends and warps

And sends out cycle-laws

That operate when pedalling

Towards infinity.

Those clip-on shoes are rotting

And the neoprene has flaked,

A drastic zip disaster

Could hold up the start of spring.

Busy atoms gather then

Explode into new buds,

The orb of long days materialised

And let the new birds sing.

In a hazy, vapour, solar storm

The bike assumes control,

Regains the laws of physics

So that time and tide rotate.

A link and tooth connection

Is all that travel takes,

A roundel on an equator

Creates a sense of fate.

They cycle round the planet now

Like satellites of thought,

Take boats across the oceans

Which are valleys lost in flood.

Their hearts enact combustion

Without fossils or dead trees,

Their oil a scarlet lubrication,

Metal cans of blood.

The rider is the transport, really,

Burnt potassium,

The journey is the ancient trek

Of universal law.

Like planets in a sun system,

Cells in composites,

Spiralling like sycamore seeds

Around a molten core.

This core is well-greased wheel hub,

A bracket in plastic sleeve,

A pedal free in looping crank,


Perfection in recreation,

Body, mind, machine,

Newton, Einstein, Planck and now

The dreamers in the dream.

Mindful in the saddle,

Riding in the zone,

Full of everything, all time,

Yet empty as the void.

For all the thoughts of dying

And small gains from lactic pain,

The sense at each rotation

Is a life lived, overjoyed!

Springs are full of bulbs and buds,

Absorb the winter shock,

Sit calmly in the pen I hold

And instigate the clock.

Keep watch, for spring has sprung again,

And manifests, instead,

In cycle rides through history

A rising from the dead.


Depression, cycling, happiness, madness, normailty, drugs, pedagogy, and much, much more

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