In need of something special, true,
To write sagacious lines in black,
I steal a pen from Albert Gate’s
To start my plan of grim attack.
A train awaits at end-stopped street
With coke for Pontefract and Drax,
My nan comes out to clean her step
And paper over family cracks.
I write for meaning, I need to know
And fashion hopeless narratives.
The pen is weaker than the source,
Having nothing new to give.
The old house is as black as space.
Presents me with this empty page,
Memories never written, void,
The vacuum of a blind man’s rage.
Cycling through a well-dreamed scape
Proved nothing ‘cept the location.
I went. I saw. I conquered not
And slunk back to the train station.
Why write the roads they redesigned?
The rubble of the palimpsest
Are just the stories left behind,
The local boy now just a guest.